B2B & B2C eCommerce Website Solutions

eCommerce stores, websites, online shopping cart solutions
  • Advanced eCommerce SOFTWARE as a Service that scales as you grow your eCommerce store.
  • Premium SERVICES to customize your eCommerce website based on your requirements.
  • Expert SUPPORT for the entire term of your subscription.
  • FREE initial Setup, which includes a modern eCommerce store theme with your logo and color scheme, plus 5 of your products setup in your eCommerce store.
Customer Specific Product Pricing & Inventory
  • Customer specific price configurations
  • Customer specific inventory configurations
  • ERP and PIM Connectors
  • Seamless B2B to B2C user experience
B2B Online Shopping Cart Checkout and Shipping
  • Accept Credit Cards
  • Accept Net Payment Terms
  • Multiple Ship-to Addresses
  • Advanced Shipping Options
B2B Order Management
  • Order Status Notifications
  • Track Order History
  • Order Tracking for Online Store + Offline Orders
  • ERP Integration
  • B2B and B2C eCommerce Website Capabilities

eCommerce Website Solutions as a Subscription

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BigCommerce is a modern SaaS based eCommerce platform for eCommerce stores & eCommerce websites with a modern online shopping cart, user friendly interface and features that support both B2B and B2C businesses. BigCommerce has an app marketplace that allows you to extend your eCommerce store capabilities including modern eCommerce store themes, apps and connectors. It also features a robust API to build custom apps and extensions.


Fortuitas provides subscription based Services building and supporting an ecommerce website and managing an online shopping cart. Our proven track record helps eCommerce businesses increase sales with their eCommerce website and online shopping cart. Our Services include design, development and integration of your eCommerce store and eCommerce website with your PIM, ERP, CRM and other business systems. We offer solutions that help you with sales tax compliance, shipping integration, inventory management and payment processing. Our subscription based services also include ongoing eCommerce strategy so you can continue to grow your business online with Fortuitas as your expert advisors.


Whether you require a simple fix to an issue or a major feature enhancement to your eCommerce website and online shopping cart, Fortuitas provides you with a ticketing system and service levels based on your issue and its required response time. Once you report an issue, our team follows a rigorous process to ensure that we follow through and get the job done.


BigCommerce is the most complete, out of the box eCommerce website and online shopping cart solution for B2B and B2C businesses.

Jack Kurtz
Founder and CEO, Fortuitas

FREE initial eCommerce Store Setup, including a modern eCommerce store theme with your logo and color scheme and 5 of your products setup in your online store.